Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Venues and Burgers

I can't quite believe it's the end of my fourth working day. Wait, maybe I can. Wait, didn't I just get off of the plane? But wait, that seems like...four days ago.
Welcome to the 2010 Winter Olympics, where time seems to have no meaning whatsoever. Either that or jet lag is a crazy thing. Let's stick with the first option--it sounds more awesome (awesomer?).
Whistler is beautiful. Have I already said that? Especially (in the very few times I get to see it) in the daytime. My work day usually starts before sunrise and ends after sunset. It's surrounded by mountains, so the sun hides longer.
Biggest regret so far: not packing my tripod. Trying to jury-rig a stand for a large camera is difficult at best. Still, I'm not sure if I could even do this place justice with some photos.
I may have found a better burger than Five Guys'. It resides in a cool little place called Splits. My good friend Zack Wilson informed me of its shocking potential. Being a hardcore 5G fan, I found his statement to be offensive and a little arrogant. Never has one meal proven me so wrong. The following photo depicts a 1/3 lb. burger containing cheese, lettuce, ketchup, BBQ sauce, and a little magic concoction called Splits Sauce. The fries sitting next to it laughed in the face of any attempt to call Five Guys' a better establishment. Not kidding. Their fries laugh. The only way to make them stop is to eat them. So I did.
On a different note, I don't think the entirety of Canada has heard of a little company called Dr. Pepper.


  1. I appreciate your passion - for mountains and hamburgers alike.

  2. I really want to believe you. I mean those five guys that I know make a good burger. However, that split sauce sounds yummy.

    Until I try this split burger, I will need to keep faith in the power of the 5G network of good burgers! If I lose hope now, every Five Guys burger will be mediocre and I'll say to myself "This is good, but I heard a tale of a legendary burger that surpasses all understanding of greatness!" At that point I will no longer be able to finish my meal and my heart will be saddened.

    This would be a dreadful sequence of events that could only be rectified with a 1/3lb split burger in my hand and a mouthful of laughing fries.

    And for this, I must say neigh! Your burger is no match for a Five Guys sensation! I must keep my faith you see.


    P.S. If you could bring one home with you I would not object... :)

  3. I understand your plight--I had the same convictions. And I'll try to sneak one past the border.
